What is a CPN, Credit Profile Number, or SCN?
A CPN (credit Profile Number) , SCN (Secondary Credit Number), or CPN (Credit Privacy Number). A CPN/SCN is simply a nine digit number, that follows the same algorithm, the same look and feel as a Social, but a CPN/SCN is not a Social, and can never be used for anything to do with the government. A CPN/SCN is commonly used to acquire basic credit, such as credit cards, personal loans, or to rent a house or apartment. Some people even use them to purchase cars once they have built the credit score up over several months. A High 600-700 Credit Score can often be reached with a CPN/SCN in approximately 30-60 days, JUST BY OBTAINING A FEW NEW TRADELINES!
Call for more information about our CPN programs and funding.
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